Ancient Coin Earrings (8)
Ancient Crosses and Amulets (17)
Crusader Coins (7)
Ancient Coin Bracelets (12)
Icons (5)
Ancient Idols (15)
Late Bronze Lamps (1)
Biblical Coin Sets (2)
Ancient Coin Rings (18)
The Widow's Mite Coin (17)
Ancient Spearheads (2)
Hasmonean and Maccabean Coins (5)
Iron Age II - First Temple Period (13)
Widow's Mite Coin Jewelry (61)
Simon Bar Kochba - 2nd Jewish Revolt (10)
Middle Bronze Clay Lamps (6)
Hellenistic Clay Oil Lamps (8)
Islamic Oil Lamps (7)
Ancient Coin Pendants (64)
Ancient Coins in Jewelry (148)
Alexander the Great Coins (5)
Best Sellers (2)
Bronze Artifacts (56)
Artifacts from Israel (77)
Ancient Arrowheads (11)
Other Antiquities (55)
Iron Age I - Clay Oil Lamps - Israelite Monarchy (5)
Ancient Daggers (7)
Ancient Weapons (32)
Early Bronze Lamps (3)
Ancient Incense Burners (4)
Featured Antiquity Artifacts (19)
Byzantine Oil Lamps (48)
Pottery Wine Decanters (5)
Bowls and Plates (18)
Roman Oil Lamps (36)
Ancient Oil Lamps (134)
Ancient Cooking Pots (9)
Clay Cups and Goblets (13)
Early Christian Byzantine Coins (12)
Roman Governors of Judea (13)
Herodian Dynasty Coins (36)
Pontius Pilate Coins (10)
Coins of the First Jewish Revolt (8)
Jewish Revolt Coins (21)
Coins of the Second Temple (27)
Constantine the Great (6)
Roman Imperial Coins (33)
Coins of the Bible (123)
Ancient Greek Coins (11)
Ancient Coins from Israel (190)
Jesus Period Pottery (41)
Ancient Vases, Bottles and Flasks (27)
Ancient Pouring Vessels and Pitchers (90)
Ancient Pottery (223)
Tear Collector Bottles (14)
Jars and Flasks (33)
Ancient Roman Glass (49)