
Ancient Farming Tool – Bronze Mattock, Hoe

Featured Antiquity Artifacts

Featured antiquity from Zak’s Jerusalem antiquities. An authorized antiquity dealer in Jerusalem’s Old City. Buy the best biblical antiques discovered in the Holy Land.

Zaks Antiquities

Antiquities from Israel connects the owner to the Prophets and fathers of faith that walked the Land from were the story of faith began.

We give you a certificate of authenticity with Israel Antiquities approval and IAA export approval.

Buy our featured products in confidence and get a guarantee personally from Zak Mishriky the owner.

You are invited to visit Zak and feel the bustling surrounding his store. Come and enjoy a cup of tea and chat about the vast range of antiquity. His knowledge of antiquity and ancient artifacts shall fascinate you.

Orders are shipped to you direct from Jerusalem.

Showing 1–12 of 19 results
