Beit Natif Clay Oil Lamp – Decorated with Palm Branches


Ancient Beit Natif Type oil lamp (3rd-4th Century A.D.).

  • Roman Judean oil lamp.
  • Decorated with palm branches.
  • Length: 4″ inch.
  • Ancient Jewish house light.
  • Certificate of authenticity.

2 in stock



Ancient Jewish Beit Natif oil lamp (3rd-4th Century A.D.).

Distinctive Jewish style during the Late Roman/Early Byzantine Period in the Holy Land.

Wreath decoration surrounding the body of the lamp.

This unique oil lamp is a part of group of a well known oil lamps called “Beit Natif” type.

Beit Natif was an important Jewish village during the Roman Empire. Known for manufacturing this type of fancy clay beautiful oil lamps.

Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. (Matthew 25:1)

Comes with a certificate of authenticity and all required documents for export.

Shipped direct from Israel.

Zak’s Antiquities is the website of Zak’s fine art and antiquities. Located on the Christian Quarter road in Jerusalem’s Old City. The shop began in 1964 and has remained as a family owned and operated business till this day. For the past 50 years Zak’s Antiquities has sold ancient coins, antiquities and art authentic to Israel and Jerusalem.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg



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