Herodian Jug – Jesus time Pottery found in Jerusalem


Herodian jug (1st century – Jesus time) used for water.

  • Jesus time pottery.
  • Unique shape with handle.
  • Height 10″ / 25 cm.
  • Herodian pouring Jug.
  • Certificate of authenticity.
  • Comes with a presentation stand.

2 in stock



Herodian clay jug (1st century – New Testament) pouring jug.

The Herodian period is one of the most prosperous periods of the Holy Land in antiquity. During this period King Herod the great established a number of glorious cities and sites, including Caesarea, Herodium, and perhaps his most important work: the expansion of the Temple Mount and the renovation of the Second Temple in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem was at its peak, as was the entire region of Judea at that time. Socially, however, this period was characterized by social polarization and the emergence of sects within Judaism, which sometimes struggled with each other. Into this reality appeared the figure of Jesus Christ, during the first century AD.

One of the most sought-after and valued pottery groups is that of the “Herodian Pottery”, of which the vessel on display belongs. This Jug began to be used during the first Century BC, and continued to be used throughout the first Century AD. This vessel was common in the households of the Judeans, and was also found in the assemblages of the Jews rebels of the great revolt against Rome (66-70 AD).

The vessel on display was made of light clay and designed in a simple way – a rounded body and a handle descending from the rim to the shoulder. The vessel was made by wheels, the marks of which are evident in the form of horizontal lines on the lower part of the vessel. This vessel designed to store liquids, most likely water that has been pumped from a well.

This jug, which dates back to the 1st Century BC – 1st Century AD, to the days of King Herod and the days of Jesus, is an excellent testimony to the material culture of the people of Judea during this important period in the Holy Land, which parallels to the New Testament era.

The flour jar did not become empty, and the oil jug did not run dry, according to the word of the Lord He had spoken through Elijah. (1 Kings 17:16)

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg



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