Herodian bottle and bowl (1st century – New Testament).
This set of ancient vessels is dated to the first century BC – first century AD. This period, which encompasses the days of Jesus and time of King Herod the great (ruled 37-4 BC). This was the heyday of Jerusalem and Judea before the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans in 70 AD.
During the Herodian period, Jerusalem developed and became a glorious city in the center of which stood the Second Temple, the center of Jewish faith and worship. This temple was renovated by King Herod, Among the other important construction works of this king in the Holy Land (Caesarea, Sebastia, Herodium, etc.).
The clay bottle in this set is called a “spindle” bottle, and is characterized by an elongated and narrow shape, with its base and rim narrow as well. In doing so, this tool is designed quite elegantly, in keeping with the design spirit of the period.
But now, O Lord, You are our Father,
We are the clay, and You our potter;
And all of us are the work of Your hand.
(Isaiah 64:8)
The clear limestone soil marks left on the vessels clay may very well indicate the origin of the bottle in the vicinity of Jerusalem or the Judean Desert, which are characterized by this type of stone. Since the vessel as mentioned is very narrow and has a narrow rim as well, it is clear that precious liquids were kept inside it, very possibly perfume or other oils.
The bowl in this set is of the typical and simple type of clay bowls of Judea in the Herodian period: it is simply shaped, has a flat base and a straight rim. Bowls of this type have been found at many sites throughout Judea, and are intended to be used as a tableware during meals.
The combination of the bowl and the bottle, which date to the Herodian period and the days of Jesus’ life, is a clear representation of the daily life vessels of the people of Judea and the Holy Land during this formative era.
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Zak’s Antiquities is the website of Zak’s fine art and antiquities. Located on the Christian Quarter road in Jerusalem’s Old City. The shop began in 1964 and has remained as a family owned and operated business till this day. For the past 50 years Zak’s Antiquities has sold ancient coins, antiquities and art authentic to Israel and Jerusalem.
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