This coin of the Jewish Procurator Coponius over Judea was currency in Jesus time.
- Side A:
Inscritp “KAICAPOC” (of Cesar) ear of grain the right.
- Side B:
Inscript branched palm tree bearing two bunches of dates, LAs year 36=5/6 CE.
Coponius is one one of the men who ruled on the Holy Land in the first century, when Jesus was a child in Nazareth.
And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him. LUKE 2:40
This money of the bible was circulated under Procurator Coponius who ruled over Judea. The Caesar in that period was Augustus 27 BCE 14 CE .
This coin was discovered on an archeological excavation in Jerusalem.
This genuine New Testament coin comes with a nice display Stand.