Coin of Caesar Augustus Luke 2:1-14


Augustus’ Silver coin A Link to Luke’s Gospel

● Name of Caesar Augustus on a coin
● Side A: Caesar bust and letters of Caesar.
● Side B: bundle of barley and the of Augustus.
● XF New Testament first century coin.
● Weight 11 grams / diameter 3 cm.

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Caesar Augustus Coin: A Nativity Link

The mention of Caesar Augustus in the context of the Nativity story is well-documented within the Gospel of Luke, marking him as the Roman emperor during the time of Jesus Christ’s birth. It was Augustus’ decree for a census that, as the narrative goes, led Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem, setting the stage for the Nativity. Owning a Caesar Augustus coin is akin to holding a piece of this pivotal moment in history. These coins are not just pieces of silver; they are artifacts that connect us directly to the world of the New Testament, offering a tangible link to the historical backdrop of the Nativity story.

For believers and historians alike, the significance of such a connection cannot be overstated. The era of Caesar Augustus was marked by significant political and cultural milestones in the Roman Empire. The coins minted during his reign often bore his image and sometimes depicted symbolic representations meant to communicate the emperor’s achievements and divine status. To possess a coin from this period is to own a piece of the narrative that has shaped centuries of religious and historical thought.

Moreover, these coins serve as fascinating teaching tools. They can illuminate discussions about the socio-political climate of the First Century Roman Empire and offer insights into how the events of the New Testament intersected with the broader history of the time. Through a Caesar Augustus coin, the abstract stories of the past gain weight and reality, fostering a deeper understanding of the historical context of the Nativity.


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